We have both 15 and 30 hour Nursery provision available for children who are aged 3 or over. Our provision is led by a qualified teacher. Please contact the school office for more information or if you would like to come and visit our setting.

CAFOD Lent Fast Day

We have had a very busy Lent Fast Day!!! 
We gathered with parents and governors this morning for an assembly led by Barbara Simpson about this years' Lenten CAFOD campaign 'Turn little fish into Big Fish'. The children were asked to bring in a silver coin to decorate the scales of our large fish 'Bob' which they did as they entered the hall, overseen by one of our Spiritual councillors.
After assembly (which involved fishing!) each class went away and used the outline of a fish to think about what they had heard.  EYFS decorated a fish to go on our display, KS1 wrote about something they had learned in the assembly and KS2 wrote prayers.
For 50p throughout the day children could also get a fishy face paint!!  These looked great!
The money from the face painting was then added to the large fish by each classes school councillors.
We even had a fishy lunch!
Mini Vinnies organised a cake sale.  They baked and decorated cakes with a fishy design!