We have both 15 and 30 hour Nursery provision available for children who are aged 3 or over. Our provision is led by a qualified teacher. Please contact the school office for more information or if you would like to come and visit our setting.

Year of The Word

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have dedicated 2020 as a year of focus on the Bible and ‘The God Who Speaks’. 
In our school this month we launched 'The Year of The Word' to celebrate this special year and have many things planned including our class 'Bible bags'....  Watch this space....
Each class had their own 'bible bag' containing a bible (appropriate to the age of the class), a note book and post-its.
Families have the bag for one night - they can choose any verse, parable, psalm or text from the bible to read together - place a post-it note in to the bible so others can see where to find that piece.  Then reflect on what they have read in some way, maybe a drawing, prayer or a sentence.