We have both 15 and 30 hour Nursery provision available for children who are aged 3 or over. Our provision is led by a qualified teacher. Please contact the school office for more information or if you would like to come and visit our setting.

Safety talk from PC Rutherford

Today we welcomed PC Ashleigh Rutherford into school where she talked to the children in Reception up to year 4 about keeping safe. 
We all need a reminder about certain things e.g;
  • ALWAYS wearing a helmet when on our bikes or scooters
  • ALWAYS wearing a seat belt even if we're travelling a short distance
  • NEVER being a nuisance to other people by playing silly games or going on their property
  • Reminding our parents/taxi drivers/grandparents NOT to park on grass verges or on yellow or zig-zag lines

Be warned parents we now have lots of 'mini police officers' in tow!!!