We have both 15 and 30 hour Nursery provision available for children who are aged 3 or over. Our provision is led by a qualified teacher. Please contact the school office for more information or if you would like to come and visit our setting.

Year of Oscar Romero

In school we are celebrated the centenary of Blessed Oscar Romero's birth during 2017.  We held a liturgy to launch our special year - see the photos below.
Oscar Romero was Archbishop of El Salvador when he was brutally shot dead whilst saying Mass in 1980.  The reason he was killed was because he stood up for the poor and repressed and asked the army not to follow orders to kill.  He is a real inspiration and is already on the path to Sainthood after his beatification in 2015.
We held liturgies and set up focal point in our Church to help us think about his legacy throughout 2017.  Our 'Romero bag' made it's way to every family during the year so that everyone in our school community found out about this special man.